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These clever little Finger Guards, made for us in France from soft, tough suede, hold tightly to your fingertips with elastic straps, and protect them during tasks like whittling, sewing, sanding, etc.. Comfortable and secure, they extend approximately to the second knuckle, and offer the kind of manual dexterity you can't get while using work gloves. We have to admit we thought they were a bit unusual when we first saw them, but they are perfect for a range of tasks around the house and shop. The regular sized set of 6 guards includes a pair of Guards for your thumbs and four Guards for your index and middle fingers on each hand. We are also offering the same combination in slightly smaller sizes. Of course, you may want to only cover one hand, and for that we offer the same selection of sizes in a set of three. Very handy to have around. Finger Guards (3) Small
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